... Life in New Caledonia

La Nouvelle Calédonie

Ambition... I have only one ambition ...

…Horses were fantastic

Les Elephants disparition de l’espèce des éléphants...

..I love them...

...Defendant, rise ...

I still have things to say
...we'll talk again later

It's rage
...It's rage...

18th century
...comfortable in the 18th century...

Aimer et être aimé
...c’est la seule chose importante...

Life is amazing
...Being or Nothingness

Nino sur la balançoire

Hide the humor
...mask with humor...

I take on ...
...anyone who steps on my toes...

Very noble ...
...very noble but very simple...

I am self-taught
..I haven't learned anything...

... Sliding slowly...